Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We Wish You A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Going well!

Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time! But I will say that the saying holds true, "No news is Good News!" Noah and Jelly Bean are both doing great! We are slowly getting adjusted to life with Jelly Bean and he has definitely adjusted to life with Noah! Jelly Bean loves his boy and he always has at least one eye on Noah at all times! I do believe our adjustment is taking longer as it's never easy going out with a dog! You always have to expect the unexpected!

Jelly Bean is AWESOME in public so we really shouldn't worry but you can never let your guard down for a moment! If nothing else, we have to be cautious of all the other people more so than Jelly Bean! JB does great at church every week! He loves going too! He knows when church is over he gets to get all kinds of attention from everyone and he eats it up!! He does really good when we go to stores although that is a chore in itself and I try to get my errands done like that on weekends or in the evenings when Edwin and I can tag team it! It can be done, but it's much easier with an extra set of hands because it's hard enough to keep up with Noah, hold a leash, push a cart, and shop while everyone you pass is either wanting to stop you to talk about your dog or to try and pet him or to cuss you out "because how dare you bring a dog in here!" That hasn't happened too often but it DOES happen. Believe me, people can be down right RUDE!! But the nice, accepting, more understanding people far out way the bad!

We are all gearing up for Christmas and will be getting our tree up soon! Noah is excited to get to buy Jelly Bean a stocking this year! I'm also going to have him help me 'santa shop' for Jelly Bean. Noah knows all about santa, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy. We still practice the traditions of them but he knows where the gifts come from. Many people think and have told me it was mean and that I have robbed Noah of the magic of childhood with these beliefs but when you have a child that is terrified of a big man in a red suit coming in his house during the night or a fairy flying in his window while he sleeps, it makes him feel better knowing that his gifts come from mommy and daddy because we love him and want to do those things for him! It eases his anxiety and also teaches him that he can't just ask for anything for Christmas because it isn't some magic man in a red suit that makes his toys and delivers them but that his parents work hard to be able to get him things that he wants because we love him and love to see him happy. I think having him 'santa shop' for Jelly Bean will be another great tradition we will be able to enjoy every year!

On the funny side: Have you ever seen a Lab that didn't like water?? Well, if you've met Jelly Bean, then your answer to that question is YES! Jelly Bean does not like water! He doesn't like to go out when it rains at all! He is trained to not get into a vehicle until he is told but if it's raining, you better watch out as soon as you open the door! He won't even "go" in the rain unless he absolutely has too! He will hold it all day if he can! He doesn't like a bath and will 'hide' as far back in the dog tub as he can! I do believe we will be shopping for him a rain coat for Christmas!!

I pray you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! I will try to post some pictures sometime around Christmas! Be blessed and as always, thanks for stopping by and thanks for your prayers!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

In the paper again!

Just a quick note to say that we've made it into another newspaper. Not exactly how I'd have liked this time though! I submitted a comment to The Stroller of the Spartanburg Herald Journal this week about an experience we had at a local restaurant. The paper opted not to mention the restaurants name so I won't either as I agree with the gentlemen who writes the Stroller that this situation could apply at any restaurant anywhere. What happened was this...We went into the place and told them we had 5 people and a service dog and would need a table with a little extra space to accommodate the dog underneath. They graciously pulled two tables together and we were seated. Our waitress stops off at the table next to us, who apparently had also just been seated before us, to introduce herself and get them started. She immediately comes to us and quietly says, "Hi, I'm sorry but do you all have a dog with you?" We answer yes and she says I'm going to have to ask you to take it outside as the people next to you are really upset about it. I proceed to tell her it's a service dog and he's protected by federal law and she says, " Oh, I'm sorry, never mind, I'll handle it." I watch her go over to the couple and quietly and very politely tell them that we have a service dog with us and that we are protected by law and it would be illegal for them to ask us to leave or remove the dog. I hear her say to the lady, " I understand how you feel, but they have the right to have it with them." She says, I'll talk with my manager and see what I can do. She comes to us to get our drinks and we ask, is everything OK? She says oh yes, don't worry about it. I'm going to ask my manager if I can just move them. We even offered to be the ones to move even though we DON'T have to and the waitress said absolutely not, I'll handle it and if they are bothered by it, they can move. So a few minutes later a couple different waitresses come over and offer to move the couple, they refuse and then the regular waitress comes and offers again and they still refuse. So we all proceed to enjoy our meal and nothing more is said. Once the couple finally gets up to leave, the waitress comes back to us and says, I'm so glad they finally left, they were getting on my nerves! We all laugh and then begin asking the waitress more about what exactly was said. She said the lady told her she was "completely appalled" at the fact that anyone would bring a dog into a restaurant, regardless of what kind of dog it is. The waitress told us that she's worked in many restaurants and she knows the law and she knows that we have every right to have the dog there as long as it is a service dog. She even tells us that she knows that even if it's a service dog in training that they can't deny it. (Which is state law, but most of your general public doesn't realize that.) I was very impressed with how the wait staff handled everything and thanked them all for it. I wanted our experience to be heard so that hopefully more people would realize that we are not just taking a dog into a restaurant but taking a piece of medical equipment needed to mitigate my child's disability. They wouldn't have objected to him being in a wheelchair, they shouldn't object to him having his service dog!!

So to read my comment, simply pick up a Herald Journal while you are out today and turn to the Stroller section. Or go to this link

They paraphrased what I said and they also left out the restaurant name but I think they helped get my point across.

Just a side note, I said I wouldn't tell what the restaurant was but I will say it was an Italian/Greek restaurant in Boiling Springs located in the Rocky Branch plaza!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week one at home. Some animal etiquette and education!

Our first week at home has been good! Jelly Bean and Noah are really bonding. Jelly Bean always seems to have one eye on Noah. Even when you think he's not paying attention, he really is. We have been several places this week already. Jelly Bean does great in public. He goes right under the tables at restaurants, stays on his 'place' in church, rides wonderfully in the van, and walks right with us in stores. We have not had one problem anywhere we have gone with him. We had one small situation with therapy saying something about them not being covered by infectious diseases and until they were we couldn't bring him there but I believe it was just confusion on the fact that Jelly Bean is a certified service dog and they thought he was a therapy dog. He did great at therapy with Noah. Although all the balls they have are very tempting to him!! Jelly Bean has even gone to several Fall festivals around here lately and has done well at all of them. We had one person try to feed him a hot dog at one place and I had to quickly let them know that you should NEVER feed some one's dog, especially a service dog. So I wanted to add here just a few things I've learned this past week or things that I've said a hundred times because everyone has questions!! I never mind answering questions, especially from kids, about Noah or about Jelly Bean. That's the only way people can be properly educated. So here are just a few things I want to share:

1. NO Jelly Bean does not bite!! (yes, people ask!) He is however still a dog and I can not guarantee that if you constantly aggravate him in some way or continuously hurt him that he won't protect himself. If someone poked you in the eye constantly or pulled your tail over and over, you would eventually snap too! "Do unto others as you'd have them do to you" applies here really well. If you wouldn't want someone to bug the crap out of you, don't do it to them!

2. Yes, there will be times that you can pet him, but first ask so that you can make sure he isn't needing to focus on his job at that particular moment. Let the adult handling him give him a command to sit or lay down before you begin petting him! **Please note: this does not apply to all service dogs! It is completely up to the handler as to if OR when you may pet their service dog. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS ASK FIRST!!** Parents, please teach your children to always ask before petting any animal! I have had parents walk up behind us with a toddler or small child more than once and allow them to just begin petting Jelly Bean. This is something that should never happen! 1. because you should never pet a dog from behind, you may startle them, 2. because he may need to focus on his job at that time, and 3. I don't know how your child is going to respond to Jelly Bean or vise versa. I need to be prepared in case your child pulls his hair, his tail, or tries to hit him and I need to be able to respond if for some reason Jelly Bean is uncomfortable with the meeting. And DON'T be offended when I correct your child for being to rough with Jelly Bean. He can't speak for himself, someone has to speak for him. Remember it's all about educating!

3. NEVER feed another person's animals, but especially not a service dog. Some animals are on special diets and the item you want to give them may not be appropriate for them to eat. Jelly Bean is a perfect example of that: He has a sensitive stomach and gets an upset tummy very easily. I don't like cleaning up doggie diarrhea (and it's not easy or fun to clean up, I might add) so please don't feed him, his tummy (and his mommy) will thank you!

4. If you need to walk by Jelly Bean, please just walk by. If you need to, step over him. He's used to it, he was trained for that! There are just some places that I can't get him completely out of the way of everyone needing to come by, regardless of how hard I try. Just do your thing and keep moving! If he was a child, a wheelchair, or anything else you would just go by, so just go by already!

5. There are people who are scared of dogs. I get that! If you are afraid of him, don't get near him. He will not bother you! He was trained to ignore you! I'm not going to make him come near you. If you don't like him, he probably won't like you either!

Which brings me to the next point...

6. He was trained to ignore you!! It's not personal! He will not mind you, he doesn't respect you. Please don't correct him if you have not be trained on how to do so and if you are not the one controlling him at that time. Many people have tried to tell him to sit, lay down or to do some type of trick that they know he was trained to do. He won't do it for you. And unless you know how to give the command, please don't! And if I tell him to do or not to do something, please don't say, oh it's OK, he's fine. Because it's not. If he is told not to do something, there's a reason. And if he's told to do something, there is a reason for that also! And once again, it's nothing personal towards you either way.

7. He won't do tricks when he has his harness on. He has been trained that when his harness is on, it's time to work. When you put your uniform on or you clock in at your job, you are expected to work, not roll around or do tricks. It's the same with Jelly Bean. He has a job to do and he needs to do it and he needs to be able to be focused on his job.

I don't say any of these things to sound rude to anyone! Please don't take any of it that way! Nothing said here is directed at anyone in particular, I promise! It's all about educating others. These are all things we have dealt with since having Jelly Bean. These are things we have learned ourselves and things that we could only wish that everyone else knew! Unfortunately, that is not ever going to be the case! So we will constantly try educate people where ever we go. Many of the things said above do not just apply to service dogs, they apply to any animal. They are things that, in my opinion, should be taught to everyone. Which is why I hope that once you read this, you will remember it and practice it yourself. Teach it to your own children. Tell your friends!

Overall, this has been one of the best things ever for our family! Jelly Bean has proven to be a positive influence for Noah already. Every penny that was raised, every hour that was spent fundraising, every late night, every flyer, every visit made to ask for donations, every rejection received, every prayer, every everything that went into this journey has been worth it all! I wouldn't change a bit of it for the world! I couldn't ask for a better dog for Noah. I couldn't ask for a better organization to have worked with. 4 Paws for Ability is awesome! Jelly Bean is awesome! And our family is better because of it!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Home at last!

We have made it back home all safe and sound! Noah and Jelly Bean slept most of the ride, which was nice during the ride but not so much fun when it came bed time! Jelly Bean wanted to play with all of Noah's toys and kept getting out of the bed. Every time he got up, Noah got upset. It's all a learning process for each of us so we have to take things gradual. We all have to figure out what the new normal is. By all means things are much better with Jelly Bean here, just confusing right now! Please continue to pray for us as we make this fun transition to home! I will try to update when I can and will post more pictures soon! Be blessed!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Various Pictures from training

These animals don't snuggle back and keep him warm....
Looking for his new best friend...(None of the ones behind him are Jelly Bean!)
I think they are both thinking, "Is this MY boy???"
Day one, bonding already!
Now that's a snuggle partner!!
Heel Jelly Bean, Good Boy!
Lazy Dog!! He loves the couch!
Working on tethering.
Working on tether work. Jelly Bean has to stay "down" no matter how hard he gets pulled. He mopped the floor a bit for them!!!
Jelly Bean doing Lap/Over with Noah.
After Noah fell and got hurt, I didn't get my camera in time to get Jelly Bean giving kisses and doing "lap" but this picture was right after Noah stopped crying.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Training Day 5

This week has been so busy we don't have much time to stop for anything! Getting something to eat has many days even been a mad rush! Today we had a visit from our friends, Shelly, Chris, and Kieler, who live in the same town as my sister. Shelly and her family have, over the years, become our "Ohio family." They met us this morning at the training center and stayed to watch the training class. My nieces ended up staying over night with us last night so them, Noah and Kieler got to go play outside on the playground at 4 Paws this morning. It's been so cold and misting rain over the past few days that Noah was confined to the indoor play area, which is really nice, but with a class of 13 dogs (which means 13 families) and many of the families have more than one child, that play area gets crowded really quick! This afternoon the kids did not have to stay at training because it was mostly about grooming and basic care of the dog, so it worked out great and myself, Shelly and the kids got to go back to the hotel and went swimming! Noah had a ball playing in the pool and was even "swimming" in the deep end!

Jelly Bean is doing great working with us on all his commands! He had a true test tonight as we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and there was a football game on so there was good smelling food, lots of people, lots of tv's, and frequent yelling and cheering! Jelly Bean stayed under the table at our feet the whole time! Once he started backing up and out from under the table but a quick "no" and "down" and he was right back in his spot until we were ready to leave! Poor Guy was drooling like crazy but he was so obedient! Noah and Jelly Bean are both sound asleep on the bed now! I don't know what to do, I have not had a third person in my bed since arriving in Ohio. I miss snuggling with my Noah but I know he loves his "Boy" (that's what Noah calls Jelly Bean).

Well, I'm yawning my head off and exhausted so it's time to say good bye! GOOD BYE!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Exhausted doesn't begin to describe it!!

Two tired boys at the end of day 2 of training! We had not gotten 5 minutes from the center before they were both asleep!

Noah and Jelly Bean are bonding really well! They are so sweet together! Jelly Bean keeps his eye on Noah at all times. If Noah gets out of his sight, he goes to find him! He knows that Noah is his boy and he makes sure he's okay at all times!

Yesterday (day 2) we learned more commands and tricks. Jelly Bean does really well and Noah loves doing the tricks!!

Today (day 3) we learned some behavior disruption, more commands and practiced the ones we have already learned. Tomorrow we get to go to the mall to start working in public! It sounds so easy when you type it, but it's so exhausting! It's true brain overload!

Overall, we are doing great! Despite the tiredness, it's really been fun and we can't wait to get home to get to our new normal!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Noah meets Jelly Bean

I will start by saying that I don't have any pictures to post just yet. My sister took lots of pictures today for me but she wasn't able to e-mail them to me tonight so hopefully I can post them tomorrow.

Today was a very exhausting day! I was told that day 1 was tiring but you just can't imagine how exhausting it is until you've lived it! Don't get me wrong, it was very fun and exciting, but by about 2:30-3, I was ready to leave! Today each child received their dog's one at a time. When we got to the training center, Noah wanted to find Jelly Bean's crate! He wasn't in there at first but shortly after he came in and Noah sat outside his crate talking and playing with him. He couldn't wait until it was his turn to get his dog! I don't think Noah could possibly have been more excited. (and mommy too, sshhh!)

After meeting with our dogs and hanging out for a while, Jeremy (the head trainer) gave some basic instructions and then we broke for lunch. We had to leave Jelly Bean at the center during lunch because we haven't been trained in public yet. We went for lunch then was right back for training! We spent the afternoon working on "sit" and "down." Both of which Jelly Bean does really well. He doesn't stay "in" them for long yet for us, but he's getting better already! Jelly Bean is doing well sleeping in the bed with Noah although Noah is having a difficult time getting situated and still himself. Just too busy of a day!

Noah got a migraine towards the end of training today. He seemed better once we returned to the hotel but after taking Jelly Bean for a walk and introducing him to the staff in the lobby, Noah all of a sudden grabbed his mouth and ran to the bathroom. I knew as soon as he did what was about to happen and I just prayed he would make it to the bathroom. He made it to the door of the restroom then he lost it. Every time he gets a migraine he always gets sick to his stomach then he falls asleep and once he wakes up, he's fine. So after the episode in the lobby, we went back to the room and he crashed on my bed. After about an hour nap, he woke up and he was fine. Please keep him in your prayers for these next few days as we adjust to 'doggie school.' It's a long day for all of us!

Have a great night! Hopefully there will be pictures tomorrow!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Meet Jelly Bean...

I'd like to introduce you to Noah's new best friend! Meet Jelly Bean! Jelly Bean is a black lab. Here is a letter from Jelly Bean to Noah...

Dear Noah,

My name is Jelly Bean and I am a Black Lab from the Dandy Candy Gang. My sister Tootsie and brother, Rolo are in class with us. We were born November 17, 2008 so we get to celebrate my first birthday together. I hope we will have a huge party with lots of hotdogs, liver, Puperoni, and milk bones...that would be so cool! I am so excited we will meet so. I think of you every day. All day I have been pacing waiting on those Pink Girlz but Jeremy just would not leave his office. He was in there pondering something over and over and over and over. It must of been very important because he did not leave once ALL day and finally Brodey had to go potty and he got up. They made their move and off they ran with the matches. They were out right on the desk! Then they had to find us all to tell us we were in the class. I yelled WOO HOO I made it. Thank goodness because I worked SOOOOOOOO hard! Hey listen buddy hurry up and get here because I am waiting for you and can't wait to play! Your best friend ever, Jelly Bean

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Noah's Art Success & a BIG Thank You!

Noah's Art fundraiser has been a wonderful success! Total, just for his artwork, we raised $205. Thanks to everyone who bought his beautiful artwork! I hated giving up each one but I have pictures of all of them and I know that each person who got them will take GREAT care of them!!

In addition to the Noah's Art fundraiser, we also have raised an additional $300 from a few donations! With the extra donations and the artwork auction, we have paid for the remainder of out hotel bill and even have a little extra! Thanks to all of you who have made those extra donations! It's so fun to go to the mailbox!!

Thank you can NEVER express how truly grateful we are!


Monday, October 5, 2009


Noah's Art auction is taking a pause for a while! We are trying to get ready for our trip and in doing so are not able to work on the art work as much as we'd like. Trying to do school work and get the house in order for the arrival of Noah's dog and trying to get everything we need for our trip, etc. is proving to be challenging! Although a fun challenge!! Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for the arrival of Noah's new best friend.

Thanks to all who have helped us in anyway with our fundraising efforts and with getting the things we need for Noah's dog. We appreciate everything all of you have done or are doing for us! Most importantly, thanks for the prayers!

If any one has anything else to help us with our trip or bring the dog home, please contact me ASAP at Thanks!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pumpkin Plate ~ SOLD FOR ~ $40.00 ~ Thanks Rita

This is the next (and possibly the last for a while) plate in Noah's Art Auction. This plate is a Jack-o-Lantern. The red around the outside is supposed to be the 'scary' part! This is an original and is signed and dated. The paint is permanent and is top rake dishwasher safe although not recommended for use with food!

The starting bid for this plate is $5.00. If you would like to place a bid, please send an e-mail to Be sure to include your name, the plate name, and your bid amount. Shipping is not included in the bid amount and will be calculated with the highest bidder at the close of the auction. THIS AUCTION WILL END ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3RD AT 5:00 PM EST.

Please read the post below this one titled "Any Help" also! Thanks!

Any Help...

Just a quick note in between auctions!! If there is anyone who is still interested in helping out with anything to do with our trip, please e-mail me this week (click on the link in the "contact us" section on the left.) We are getting closer to time for training and I want to make sure we have everything in order before we are leaving! There is a lot we have to do and get before we can ever leave. Then there's even more we have to do and have once we get back too, so I'm trying to work on all these things now to make our transition easier!

The "Doggie Wish List" is up to date with ideas and things that we may need, if you can help with anything, please let me know! As always, we are most grateful for all the prayers!! We need those most! Thanks!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Smiley Angel ~ SOLD FOR ~ $25.00 ~ Thanks Dawn!

This is the next plate in the Noah's Art Auction. This plate began as a smiley pace with it's tongue stuck out and ended up also having an angel in it! Noah was so happy to see that he'd actually made an angel again! The paint is permanent and is top rake dishwasher safe. This is an original, and is signed and dated.

The starting bid for this plate is $5.00. To place a bid, please e-mail me at (or click on the 'contact us' link on the left of the page) Be sure to include the name of plate you are bidding on, your bid amount, and your name. Shipping costs are not included in the bid amount and will be calculated with the winning bidder at the auctions end. THIS AUCTION WILL END ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1ST AT 5:00 PM EST.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunflower Plate ~ Sold for ~ $25.00 ~ Thanks Rita

This is the next plate in the Noah's Art Auction! This plate has been titled "Sunflower" by Noah. This is a medium sized plate with "holes" around the edges and has a place in the back to hang it up with a ribbon. This is an original and is signed and dated. The paint is permanent and is top-rake dishwasher safe but not recommended for use with food.

The Starting Bid for this plate is $5.00. If you wish to place a bid on this plate, you may do so by e-mailing me at and include the plate name, your name, and your bid amount. Shipping is not included in the bid amount and will be calculated with the winning bidder at the auction's end. THIS AUCTION WILL END ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH @ 5:00PM EST.

Submarine Plate ~ Sold for ~ $25.00 ~ Thanks Rita

This is the next plate in the Noah's Art Auction. It's titled "Submarine" by Noah. It's an original, signed and dated. The paint is permanent, top-rake dishwasher safe although not recommended for use with food.

The Starting Bid is $5.00. To place a bid, simply e-mail me at with the plate name, your bid amount, and your name. You will be notified if you are the highest bidder. The bid amount does not include shipping cost. Shipping will be calculated with the winning bidder at the close of the auction. THIS AUCTION WILL END ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH @ 5:00 PM EST.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Please vote for 4 Paws for Ability today!

Please take a moment to vote for 4 Paws for Ability in Xenia, Ohio. Just go to the link below and vote today! You may have to type in the organization name and state as it wasn't listed in the drop down menu this morning but has been registered.

This contest can help 4 Paws to get closer to their goal for the new building they so desperately need!

Also, There is more art work on the way! Noah is working one some more plates and things and they should be posted soon!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Frame # 1 ~ Apple Cinnamon ~ SOLD FOR ~ $15.00 ~ Thanks Mikayla

This is the first frame in the Noah's Art auction! Noah has named this one "Apple Cinnamon" I'm not sure exactly why he picked the 'cinnamon' part but you can plainly see the apple at the top! There is also a banana near the middle right side. This is a 10 x 13 sized frame. This is a signed original!

THE STARTING BID IS $10.00. As with all the other auctions, to place a bid, simply e-mail your name, the item you are bidding on, and your bid amount to Your bid amount does not include shipping costs. Shipping will be calculated with the winner at the auction end. THIS AUCTION WILL END ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH AT 5:00 PM EST.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Plate # 5 ~ Colorful ~ SOLD FOR ~ $10.00 ~ Thanks Memaw

This is the 5th plate in our Noah's Art auction! It is titled Colorful! This is a saucer size plate. It is an original and is signed and dated. The paint is permanent and is top rack dishwasher safe although not recommended for food use.

THIS AUCTION WILL END ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH AT 5:00 PM EST. The Starting bid is $5.00. Shipping is not included in the bid amount and will be calculated with the winner at the end of the auction. If you would like to place a bid on this plate, please send your NAME, BID AMOUNT, and include the PLATE # to HAPPY BIDDING!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Plate #4 ~ Flying Angel - SOLD FOR ~ $25.00 ~ Thanks Ani

This is the 4th plate in our Noah's Art auction! This is a saucer size plate. It's titled "Flying Angel" The background was painted by myself but the colors were chosen by Noah. Noah added the finishing touch and the most important part. Can you see the Angel? He says it's a flying angel! The paint is permanent and top rack dishwasher safe although not recommended for use with food! This is an original, signed and dated!
THE STARTING BID FOR THIS PLATE IS $5.00. THIS AUCTION ENDS ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD AT 5:00 PM EST. Please remember Shipping costs are extra and will be calculated with the winner after the auction has ended. To place a bid on this plate, simply send and e-mail including your name, the plate #, and the bid amount to

Friday, August 28, 2009

Plate # 3 ~ Beach! ~ SOLD FOR $20.00 ~ Thanks Shelly

This is Plate # 3 titled "Beach" and is the next plate up for auction in "Noah's Art." This is an original, and is signed and dated. The border was painted mostly by myself but the rest was painted by Noah with instructions by mom!
BIDDING WILL BE BEGIN AT $5.00. THIS AUCTION WILL END ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST AT 5:00 PM EST. Please e-mail your bids to me at and remember to include the plate number, your name, and the bid amount. Remember shipping is not included and will be calculated at the auctions end for the winner. HAPPY BIDDING!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Plate # 2 ~ Mr. Smiley ~ SOLD FOR $10.00 ~ Thanks Evie

This is Plate # 2 titled Mr. Smiley. This is also an original, signed and dated. This plate is a saucer size plate so it is smaller than the first plate. The paint is permanent and top rack dishwasher safe.

The Bid will start at $5.00. Shipping will be added at the auctions end! THIS AUCTION WILL END ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 30TH AT 5:00 PM EST. You can place your bid by sending an e-mail with your name, bid amount, and the plate number you are bidding on to:


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Plate # 1 ~ Hiding Smiley ~ SOLD FOR $10.00 ~ thanks Pam

This is the first of several plates we have up for auction. This plate is of a smiley face (in green-on the left side), the green at the top is it's hair and the yellow around the sides is like a rainbow Noah says. They pink in the middle is the boys bow and arrow according to Noah!

As you can see, the back is signed by Noah and dated with the month and year. The paint is permanent. The plate is dishwasher top rack safe although it's recommended not to use these plates for food! Of course this is an original, there is no other like it! THE BID WILL START AT $5.00. This does not include shipping. Shipping will be calculated once the winning bidder is chosen! This Auction ends at 5:00 PM EST on SATURDAY, AUGUST 29TH. As the bid goes up, I'll post it in the title of this posting! HAPPY BIDDING!! Send your bids along with your name to

Coming Soon ~ 'Noah's Art' fundraiser

That's right! Coming soon to a blog near you is "Noah's Art" I'm launching a new fundraiser for our travel expenses and wanted something that Noah can really be a part of! So we have been working over the last week or so on "Noah's Art" which is just that, Noah's art work! Noah loves to paint (especially on plates) so we are diligently working on those painted plates and other paintings and I'm going to post them on his blog, one at a time for about 4 days each and during those 4 days I will have a live auction going to sell the art work! The person(s) bidding will send the bids to me via e-mail and I'll post the top bid amount on his blog for those wishing to bid. Then once the auction closes, I'll contact the highest bidder via e-mail to handle shipping charges and instructions and payment options. I will say this, payment must be cash, check, or money order and must be received and cleared from the bank before shipping will be done. Shipping will depend on the art work and where it is being shipped to.

So, if you haven't already, add Noah's blog to your favorites because I should have the first of "Noah's Art" posted by tomorrow morning!! So check you bank account today, have your check books ready, and get ready to start bidding!!

Just a disclaimer cause I have to: any money paid for these art works is NOT tax deductible. You are simply paying for a little boys art work to help get him to his service dog and to help get his service dog home!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New friends!

This picture is some of our new friends! This is Sam and his seizure/mobility assistance dog Sitka. We got to meet them today and spend a little bit of time with them. Sitka is another 4 Paws for Ability dog that is here locally.

Once again we got to see the 4 Paws "Magic in Action" as I call it! These dogs are totally awesome. Sitka was so well behaved during our visit and Noah loved that she would lay in his lap. He got so tickled when she licked his forehead! Sam's mom showed the kids some of the tricks that Sitka knows and they loved that too! Noah got to make her "speak" and he thought it was so funny that she did it! He says she barks loud!

Noah kept asking me if his dog "can do that too" when ever Sitka did something he liked! It was amazing to see Noah bonding with another "special dog" that I can't wait to see how he will bond with his dog!

Thanks Sam and Sitka for letting us visit today! Once Noah's new friend is home, we will have to get together for a doggie play date!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

An Amazing Experience!

We had the opportunity this week to visit 4 Paws for Ability and all I can say is WOW! We got to visit the August training class and got to witness first hand the children receiving their dogs. It was such an amazing experience that words cannot begin to describe it. The child were so excited to get their dogs! There was a few that got overwhelmed by it but there was one little girl that was upset while waiting to get her dog and it was taking her parents everything they could do to keep her with them and somewhat calm. Well as her dog was brought to her within minutes she calmed down and began petting her dog and giving it treats. The dog kept licking her hands and she finally sat down and loved on her dog. It was truly magical! As if I wasn't convinced before, I'm definitely convinced now that all the hard work and the waiting will be so well worth it in the end to see Noah be that excited about his dog too. It's one of those things that you just have to see for yourself to believe it and I'm so glad that we had the opportunity to see it! Thanks to 4 Paws for allowing us to sit in on this class and thanks to all the families, who may not have even realized we were there, for letting us share in the experience with them! I can't wait for our turn!!

Please continue to pray for our journey as we patiently wait for our turn! If you are able and wish to help us in getting Noah's dog home, please see the "Doggie Wish List" to the left of this page and let us know if there is something you can help us with! As always, thanks for all your prayers!! They are being answered and they are felt daily!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Praise God!! What a blessing!

Just wanted to send a quick update to let you all know that we have received enough donations through various means so far to cover 8 of the 12 nights we will be staying at training!! I feel so blessed!

Thank you to those who have made this possible! You know who you are!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer's here!!

Just wanted to give a quick update and let everyone know that we are all doing well! We are still working diligently on our video and my goal is to have it in the mail to the organization by the first week of July. We are already falling behind with it but hope to pick up and catch up soon!

Noah is having a great summer and we are staying very busy! We don't spend much time at home these days as we are out having too much fun!

I'm considering having a small fundraiser towards the end of summer to help with the costs of out trip. I'm not sure yet if we will and if so what it will be but I'll keep you posted!! I've estimated the cost at about $3000 for the trip and that doesn't include the supplies we need for the dog once it's home. Please take a moment to look at our "Doggie Wish List" to the left and if you are able to help us with any of these things please feel free to contact me! Any help is greatly appreciated! As always, we ask for your prayers more than anything!

Have a great summer!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Just a quick Hello!!

I just wanted to stop in and say hi!! So HI!!

We are all doing well but this whole waiting game is getting old really quick! I don't think October can get here fast enough! We have been steadily working on our video, trying to get everything possible so that the organization will have all the info they need to train Noah's dog! I was able to get part of a meltdown on tape. Of course now when the camera comes out, Noah wants to "talk to his dog" so trying to get the things we need on tape are proving to be difficult! We have only a few more weeks of taping before we have to get the video in!!

In the meantime, I've also begun selling Avon. I started selling it as a way to save up some money for our trip. So far it is going well! I know I won't make much doing it at first but this will also be a way for us to save for the added expenses of the dog once it's here!! If you would like to order from me, please visit my web site You can select direct delivery (have items shipped directly to you) or representative delivery (Items come to me and I deliver to you). Remember when you order you are also helping out Noah!! Because this money raised is going directly to us for our expenses, it is not tax deductible.

Don't forget to check the "doggie wish list" on the left! I've added some more wishes to it! We've has a few people tell us they are working on getting somethings on our list but haven't received anything yet so all items needed are still listed!!

Thanks so much for your support and prayers!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just had to share!

I know this really isn't "service dog journey" related but I just wanted to share because Noah is so excited!!

Noah has just lost his first tooth!!

With so much excitement going on around our house this morning, I wanted everyone to share in it with us!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gifts via Fed Ex!?!

I just wanted to share with everyone about the package I received from Fed Ex today! To provide a little background info: I was contacted last week by an "anonymous angel" about helping us with some of our hotel expenses. I knew I'd be receiving something in the mail soon but didn't expect it to come via Fed Ex! It was like Christmas in my house as Noah and I tore into that box!! Inside was some bath tub toys for Noah (one of his favorite things!), 2 books, and a beanie stuffed duck that quacks!! I'll admit, that duck will probably drive me crazy before the days end, but he's one happy boy!! Those were Noah's goodies! Inside was also a letter explaining that I'd find two certificates good for one night each at the hotel we will be staying at when we go to Ohio for training!! That's over $200 worth of savings for us!! Praise God!! I'm so very grateful to this special angel and I hope they know that they will be blessed for the blessing they have given us!! Thank you God for sending this special Angel to us!

And to think, they found Noah's blog through a google search!!! God works in mysterious ways!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The reservations have been made!

I have just made the reservations for our trip in October! We will be staying at the Homewood Suites by Hilton. Our total cost for the hotel stay will be $1323. That's for 12 nights and includes a one bedroom King Suite for myself, Edwin, and Noah (and his doggie once we get there), full breakfast every morning, and dinner 4 nights a week. That is an amazing price for all that considering we will only have to worry about lunch every day and dinners on the weekend! The rooms have a full refrigerator, a double stove top (but no oven), and a microwave. We will be able to make stove top meals on the days they are not provided and can pack sandwiches and such for lunches! So we will do all possible to keep our overall costs down! I'll be taking lots of groceries with us to help save on costs too since things are higher in Ohio!

Now the only thing we have left to complete before we start the actual "wait" is the video. We have to make a video about Noah and his everyday life! It must include everything so this will be a lengthy process but one we must finish ASAP. So if you see us out and about and I'm holding a camera as we go, don't think I'm some crazy nut! I have good reason to be chasing my child with a camera!!

Once again I will ask, if you or someone you know has any spare Hilton HHonors points you'd like to donate, that can greatly help bring down the cost of our hotel stay! Maybe you could sponsor a night for us for just $110.25. I'd even give you recognition on your sponsored night on our blog update while in training! Or if you'd like to help in any other ways, we can use restaurant gift cards, gas gift cards, and I've started a "Doggie Wish List" on the left of this blog of things we will need once our new family member gets home!!

We appreciate all you prayers too! If all you can help with is prayer, we need that most!! Thanks everyone for everything! If it wasn't for all of you, this would have never been possible!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ohio Bound in October!!

Ok so I have like 30 seconds to post then I have to get on with the daily duties! Just wanted you all to know that our prayers were answered! We are in the October training class! Noah will have his dog before Halloween!!

I'll post a more detailed post in a little while but for now, I have to get to a shower, school work, lunch, laundry, and therapy!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The checks are in the mail!

I over night mailed the remaining checks to 4 Paws today! It is guaranteed to arrive there by 12 Noon tomorrow! Please continue to pray that we make the October class! A little birdy told me that there might be a couple more spots in the October class so I'm just holding my breath and praying until I get the official word!!

Noah is so excited!! I've told him we should be going to get his dog around Halloween or around his birthday depending on which class we get into!

Now we have a very detailed video we have to get to work on!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Doing a Happy Dance!!

We are all doing a "Happy Dance" around the house tonight!! Although it is not official just yet, WE HAVE MET OUR FUNDRAISING GOAL!!!! We have to wait to receive the 'official' word from 4 Paws for Ability once they receive the remaining money! I will be over-nighting the remainder first thing Monday morning!!
Thanks to the generous love offering collected this morning by our church, we have received the last little bit we had needed to reach our goal! While it has been a long journey, the fun is just about to begin! Once the goal has 'officially' been reached, 4 Paws will begin training a dog specifically for Noah and his needs! We will not know what type, sex, breed, or anything about his dog until we are about ready to go meet him/her! Usually about a week or so before our scheduled training, Noah will receive a very special e-mail from his new furry friend! It will tell Noah all about his dog and even include a picture!
So for now, we pray and wait! First we will wait to see just when we will be able to go to training and meet Noah's dog. Remember that the training facility has to have AT LEAST 6 months to train Noah's dog. Therefore the earliest we will be able to get to training will be October. If the October class has already been filled, we will have to wait until January or February of 2010. So today I ask you to pray, pray, pray that we will be able to make the October class!!
I'll post as soon as I have the official word!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Quick status update

I just wanted to give a quick update to you all! Our totals have grown slightly. Our total is now $9278.16 We need just another $1722 to reach our $11,000 goal! We will soon be there!

If you would like to make a donation to help Noah reach his goal, please see the previous post for all the details of how to make your donation.

Thanks to all of you who have already donated! If it wasn't for all of you we wouldn't be as close as we are today! Give yourself a pat on the back!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Look at the Thermometer!

It has grown!! It's almost ready to bust!! (scroll all the way to the bottom!)

Keep those great donations coming!! We are almost there!

Donations can be made to:

4 Paws for Ability, Inc
253 Dayton Ave.
Xenia, OH 45385

Please mark "in honor of Noah Henderson" on your check or money order!!


Monday, February 16, 2009

What a Success!

The beach party was a great success. We all had such a great time! I have several pictures that I'm hoping I can figure out how to put them into a slide show and post them here for you to see! Many of the pictures are very blurred because everyone was dancing and moving so much!! Noah had the best time dancing with his buddies and even got to see his cousins, Mikayla and Tanner!! They surprised everyone with a trip down here from Ohio!

Now on to the details of the event which you are all waiting for!! We had about 100 people attend the event! We had LOTS of food!! Lots of fun!! We had a 50/50 raffle in which we got a total of $323! The winner got $161.50! The total event just on Friday brought in a total of $1,262. But with my calculations and other donations we have about $9,200. If my calculations are correct, we need less than $1,800 to meet our goal!! I will have more accurate totals once I mail all these donations in! I can request the new totals on 1st. I've added a fundraising thermometer at the bottom of this page to show to most up to date confirmed totals!! Note that this is the confirmed total and does not reflect any amount that has not been received by 4 Paws for Ability. I'm going to get these most recent donations in the mail tomorrow since the bank isn't open today and the mail will not run!!

If you or someone you know would still like to make a donation in honor of Noah, you may do so by mailing a check or money order of any amount to
4 Paws for Ability
253 Dayton Avenue
Xenia, OH 45385
Be sure to add "in honor of Noah Henderson" in the memo portion of the check!!

Any amount of donations raised over our $11,000 goal will go to the next child in line fundraising for their service dog!!

Thanks to everyone who made food, made donations, volunteered your time, and prayed for our recent event! It would not have been possible without you all!!

A very special thank you to the Out of Towner's band for the wonderful show!! Everyone was so impressed with the music and all had a wonderful time!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fundraiser details coming soon!

Just wanted to let you all know that I will soon post all the details from our fundriaser!! Please keep checking back!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fun Guaranteed!!

That's right!! I personally guarantee if you come to Noah's fundraiser this Friday night, you will have fun!! If at the end of the night you can't say you had a least a little bit of fun, I'll give you your $10 back!! Now I know I will not be refunding anyone so I'm not concerned at all!!

We are going to have a ball! Do you know the chicken dance?? How about the hokey pokey? The electric slide? The cupid shuffle? (even I don't know that one!) Can you shag?? I can't but I'm willing to get out there and make a fool of myself just because I can!! So warm up those dancing shoes and we will see you Friday night!!

Many people have asked about the details of the fundraiser and how we are going to be raising money so here are the details!!

The cost at the door is $10 per person 12 and under free (this gets you in and gets your food {unless we run out!!}. It also gets each paying person one raffle ticket for a door prize)

You may purchase other tickets for the door prizes for $1 a piece.

We also will have a 50/50 raffle! Tickets for this will also be $1 each. The more tickets we sell, the bigger the jack pot will be!! If we sell $500 in tickets, the ticket drawn will receive $250 and then the other $250 goes towards the fundraiser!!

The food we are having is a variety of finger foods and snack type items! We will have everything from Chicken strips to goldfish!! There will be something for everyone! The food will be available until it runs out!! Once it's gone, it's gone! I've planned and over planned to hopefully not run out but understand that even I don't know how many people will be there so once it's gone, all I can say is sorry!! But what a blessing to have so many people that we don't have enough food!!

Many people have told me this week as I've stressed about having enough food to just do as Jesus did and look to the Heaven's and ask God to provide! I know God will provide as He has done so already (and here comes that 'but' my pastor always talks about!) BUT I'm still freaking out about it!!

Ok, we will see you Friday night at the Spartanburg Shrine Club on Fernwood Glendale!! Doors open at 5:30 band starts around 6 PM!

Get those shoes ready!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New totals, not so new!

I requested our new totals earlier this week and as I expected, they have not changed. We still have a totals of $6,698.16. But on the positive side, I have already mailed another $100 donation in and have had lots of promises of others being mailed. I have made a special request to get our totals early next time. Usually we can get totals 2 times a month, the 1st and the 15th. Since our next fundraiser is the 13th, I asked if I could get the most up to date totals on the 12th so I could know just how much more we needed for our fundraiser! Now remember, if we go over our fundraising goal, it goes to the next family in line! So even though we may raise more than we need, we get to help others too! On that note, there is another family in the upstate that has just been approved and beginning their fundraising efforts! You will probably here more about Zac soon! There is also another family here that has already completed their fundraising! I'm so glad that 4 Paws for Ability will soon be a common name to this area! There are many great organizations out there that help to place service dogs, even some in our area. But these organizations have such long waiting lists! I hope that all these places will 'catch on' to the 4 Paws way and minimize their lists! 4 Paws allows the families to do the fundraising needed to help with the vet costs, training, and care for the dogs! I must say, it's much more fun this way, for me anyway! And more gratifying too! To know that even though I didn't and couldn't pay the whole $11,000 myself, that I have worked as hard as I can (with the help of many others too) to provide this opportunity for Noah! Much more satisfying too!

I appreciate everyone who is helping to spread the word of Noah's fundraiser, his need for his dog, and helping to collect donations. We can still use a few more food donations! I've had some people who have said, I can't cook something or buy anything but here's $20, go buy what you need for the fundraiser! This too has been a great help! This gives me the extra I may need at the last minute! And what ever I don't need, goes right to 4 Paws as a donation! So please, however the Lord leads you to give and to help, please do!

Have a blessed rest of the week!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Click the image to view larger.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wow, what an amazing Response

I found this cute picture of a pouty puppy and it just looks like he/she is saying, "Will you help Noah, Please!!"

We have had such an amazing response to being on the show! Everyone that saw it live or has watched the video clip has been so impressed! We are so grateful for all the offers to help with the fundraiser and the offers of donations! I will be able to get new totals on the first but since it's a Sunday I will wait until Monday before I request them! I don't expect much of a difference in our totals this soon but this will be the last totals I'll be able to get before our fundraiser so it will let me know just how much we really do need to raise so I can set a goal for the fundraiser! I have the flyer printed for the fundraiser and I must say, it is just adorable!! I'll post it here soon! If you'd like to have a flyer to hang up at your work or church please contact me and I'll e-mail you one!

Have a great weekend!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Noah's Your Carolina Debut!

Did you get to watch?? Well, if not, look to the left of this page, right under the cute pouty picture of Noah and you can click to see the video clip! Noah did such a great job on camera! He was such a little ham! He wanted to stay on the couch with Kimberly during the whole show and just didn't understand why he couldn't!! He became best buddies with Jack Roper and even got to play Jack's drums after the show! Of course, being in the Michelin on Main store where the show is taped, Noah had to check out all the goodies they had and even convinced Memaw to buy him a new Michelin shirt!! He had to have the one with the motorcycle and the fire on it, nothing else (or cheaper) would do! And he's still proudly wearing that shirt this morning! He slept with it on last night and probably will not want to take it off today either!

Noah has not slept since waking up yesterday morning at 7:15 AM. He cat napped a few times on the way back from the show but otherwise he's been going strong! We thought he was asleep in his bed last night and after going in to check on him before we went to bed, he looked up at Edwin and whispered, Hi Dad! It wasn't long before he came and laid in bed with me and then at 2:30 AM I finally let him go to the living room. I got up with him and dosed in the recliner while he played the PlayStation and watched cartoons (thank goodness for Disney Channel!) He got in the chair with me around 4 AM and I thought he'd finally fall asleep but nope! He just sat there with me! You would never know he hasn't had any sleep though! He's still going strong! Me on the other hand, well, that's a different story! I guess all the excitement of being a "TV Star" just went to his head!! Hopefully we will all get a good nap today and be back to our regular selves tomorrow!!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't forget to watch!!

This little guy is getting down with his bad self!

Yes, that's right!! Tomorrow is the day! Noah and I, along with Memaw, will travel to Greenville to Michelin on Main and join Jack Roper and Kimberly Kelly on the Your Carolina show! I get to go on and tell about Noah and 4 Paws for Ability and about Noah's upcoming fundraiser too! Please watch!!

Now moving on to the details of the fundraiser!! They are as follows:

Friday, February 13th @ the Spartanburg Shrine Club on Fernwood-Glendale Rd.

Performing will be "The Out of Towner's Band"

Doors open at 5:30 PM - Band will get started around 6 PM. Event ends at 9 PM

We will have finger foods and desserts to eat! (If you have something you can make, please let me know!)

Cost: $10 per person, children 12 and under free

Please mark your calendars and come out and join us! There will be lots of fun and dancing!

This fundraiser is still needing a name, if you have a creative mind, please give me your ideas!

Have a blessed rainy day!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Yes, that's the new totals! Slowly but surely, we will win this race! I have more donations to mail soon too!

Some exciting news to share!! Noah and I are going to be on the "Your Carolina w/ Jack & Kimberly" on January 29th at 10 AM! We get to talk all about Noah and 4 Paws for Ability! We will also have a chance to tell of any upcoming benefits we have planned. So I need your help! I have a band willing to donate their time and entertainment I just have to find a place to have it! I need a place with space for the band and a dance floor. I'd also like to have a business that would donate their catering services as well. If you know of a place that would donate the use of their building or a business/restaurant that would be willing to cater for free, please contact me ASAP!! I would love to have something lined up by the time we are to appear on TV! This way we have a better possibility for a great turn out! We are so close to our $11,000 goal that I just know we can make it!!

On another exciting note, Noah began his first day of home school today! After much prayer and consideration, we've decided this is what is in Noah's best interest! Noah had a great day today. He was begging for more school work tonight! I love it!!

I'm praying for snow!! But please, Lord, no ice or power outages!! Be blessed everyone!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's almost Birthday time!

Just a few more days and my little boy is going to be 7! Can you believe it, 7?? I just don't know where the time has gone! For Noah's birthday we will be celebrating this Saturday at Mr. Gatti's with a few of his best buddies!

Can you believe it has been 5 months since we were approved for Noah to receive his service dog! It's been about 7 months since we started this whole process! We still have a ways to go but we are getting there! We have some exciting things in the works coming soon! I'm planning to have another fundraiser around the end of January or the first of February. I'm trying to find some local entertainment for the fundraiser as well. If you know of anyone or anything, feel free to e-mail me the contact info. I"m very excited and hopeful that this fundraiser will complete Noah's fundraising requirement and then his dog will be chosen and begin training!! We have already begun praying over this dog which we haven't even met that this dog will be everything we've ever dreamed of!

If you wish to make a tax deductible donation to help Noah reach his fundraising goal, please consider doing so soon! You can find all the info on this site to make your donation today!