Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wow, what an amazing Response

I found this cute picture of a pouty puppy and it just looks like he/she is saying, "Will you help Noah, Please!!"

We have had such an amazing response to being on the show! Everyone that saw it live or has watched the video clip has been so impressed! We are so grateful for all the offers to help with the fundraiser and the offers of donations! I will be able to get new totals on the first but since it's a Sunday I will wait until Monday before I request them! I don't expect much of a difference in our totals this soon but this will be the last totals I'll be able to get before our fundraiser so it will let me know just how much we really do need to raise so I can set a goal for the fundraiser! I have the flyer printed for the fundraiser and I must say, it is just adorable!! I'll post it here soon! If you'd like to have a flyer to hang up at your work or church please contact me and I'll e-mail you one!

Have a great weekend!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Noah's Your Carolina Debut!

Did you get to watch?? Well, if not, look to the left of this page, right under the cute pouty picture of Noah and you can click to see the video clip! Noah did such a great job on camera! He was such a little ham! He wanted to stay on the couch with Kimberly during the whole show and just didn't understand why he couldn't!! He became best buddies with Jack Roper and even got to play Jack's drums after the show! Of course, being in the Michelin on Main store where the show is taped, Noah had to check out all the goodies they had and even convinced Memaw to buy him a new Michelin shirt!! He had to have the one with the motorcycle and the fire on it, nothing else (or cheaper) would do! And he's still proudly wearing that shirt this morning! He slept with it on last night and probably will not want to take it off today either!

Noah has not slept since waking up yesterday morning at 7:15 AM. He cat napped a few times on the way back from the show but otherwise he's been going strong! We thought he was asleep in his bed last night and after going in to check on him before we went to bed, he looked up at Edwin and whispered, Hi Dad! It wasn't long before he came and laid in bed with me and then at 2:30 AM I finally let him go to the living room. I got up with him and dosed in the recliner while he played the PlayStation and watched cartoons (thank goodness for Disney Channel!) He got in the chair with me around 4 AM and I thought he'd finally fall asleep but nope! He just sat there with me! You would never know he hasn't had any sleep though! He's still going strong! Me on the other hand, well, that's a different story! I guess all the excitement of being a "TV Star" just went to his head!! Hopefully we will all get a good nap today and be back to our regular selves tomorrow!!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't forget to watch!!

This little guy is getting down with his bad self!

Yes, that's right!! Tomorrow is the day! Noah and I, along with Memaw, will travel to Greenville to Michelin on Main and join Jack Roper and Kimberly Kelly on the Your Carolina show! I get to go on and tell about Noah and 4 Paws for Ability and about Noah's upcoming fundraiser too! Please watch!!

Now moving on to the details of the fundraiser!! They are as follows:

Friday, February 13th @ the Spartanburg Shrine Club on Fernwood-Glendale Rd.

Performing will be "The Out of Towner's Band"

Doors open at 5:30 PM - Band will get started around 6 PM. Event ends at 9 PM

We will have finger foods and desserts to eat! (If you have something you can make, please let me know!)

Cost: $10 per person, children 12 and under free

Please mark your calendars and come out and join us! There will be lots of fun and dancing!

This fundraiser is still needing a name, if you have a creative mind, please give me your ideas!

Have a blessed rainy day!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Yes, that's the new totals! Slowly but surely, we will win this race! I have more donations to mail soon too!

Some exciting news to share!! Noah and I are going to be on the "Your Carolina w/ Jack & Kimberly" on January 29th at 10 AM! We get to talk all about Noah and 4 Paws for Ability! We will also have a chance to tell of any upcoming benefits we have planned. So I need your help! I have a band willing to donate their time and entertainment I just have to find a place to have it! I need a place with space for the band and a dance floor. I'd also like to have a business that would donate their catering services as well. If you know of a place that would donate the use of their building or a business/restaurant that would be willing to cater for free, please contact me ASAP!! I would love to have something lined up by the time we are to appear on TV! This way we have a better possibility for a great turn out! We are so close to our $11,000 goal that I just know we can make it!!

On another exciting note, Noah began his first day of home school today! After much prayer and consideration, we've decided this is what is in Noah's best interest! Noah had a great day today. He was begging for more school work tonight! I love it!!

I'm praying for snow!! But please, Lord, no ice or power outages!! Be blessed everyone!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's almost Birthday time!

Just a few more days and my little boy is going to be 7! Can you believe it, 7?? I just don't know where the time has gone! For Noah's birthday we will be celebrating this Saturday at Mr. Gatti's with a few of his best buddies!

Can you believe it has been 5 months since we were approved for Noah to receive his service dog! It's been about 7 months since we started this whole process! We still have a ways to go but we are getting there! We have some exciting things in the works coming soon! I'm planning to have another fundraiser around the end of January or the first of February. I'm trying to find some local entertainment for the fundraiser as well. If you know of anyone or anything, feel free to e-mail me the contact info. I"m very excited and hopeful that this fundraiser will complete Noah's fundraising requirement and then his dog will be chosen and begin training!! We have already begun praying over this dog which we haven't even met that this dog will be everything we've ever dreamed of!

If you wish to make a tax deductible donation to help Noah reach his fundraising goal, please consider doing so soon! You can find all the info on this site to make your donation today!