Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Look at the Thermometer!

It has grown!! It's almost ready to bust!! (scroll all the way to the bottom!)

Keep those great donations coming!! We are almost there!

Donations can be made to:

4 Paws for Ability, Inc
253 Dayton Ave.
Xenia, OH 45385

Please mark "in honor of Noah Henderson" on your check or money order!!


Monday, February 16, 2009

What a Success!

The beach party was a great success. We all had such a great time! I have several pictures that I'm hoping I can figure out how to put them into a slide show and post them here for you to see! Many of the pictures are very blurred because everyone was dancing and moving so much!! Noah had the best time dancing with his buddies and even got to see his cousins, Mikayla and Tanner!! They surprised everyone with a trip down here from Ohio!

Now on to the details of the event which you are all waiting for!! We had about 100 people attend the event! We had LOTS of food!! Lots of fun!! We had a 50/50 raffle in which we got a total of $323! The winner got $161.50! The total event just on Friday brought in a total of $1,262. But with my calculations and other donations we have about $9,200. If my calculations are correct, we need less than $1,800 to meet our goal!! I will have more accurate totals once I mail all these donations in! I can request the new totals on 1st. I've added a fundraising thermometer at the bottom of this page to show to most up to date confirmed totals!! Note that this is the confirmed total and does not reflect any amount that has not been received by 4 Paws for Ability. I'm going to get these most recent donations in the mail tomorrow since the bank isn't open today and the mail will not run!!

If you or someone you know would still like to make a donation in honor of Noah, you may do so by mailing a check or money order of any amount to
4 Paws for Ability
253 Dayton Avenue
Xenia, OH 45385
Be sure to add "in honor of Noah Henderson" in the memo portion of the check!!

Any amount of donations raised over our $11,000 goal will go to the next child in line fundraising for their service dog!!

Thanks to everyone who made food, made donations, volunteered your time, and prayed for our recent event! It would not have been possible without you all!!

A very special thank you to the Out of Towner's band for the wonderful show!! Everyone was so impressed with the music and all had a wonderful time!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fundraiser details coming soon!

Just wanted to let you all know that I will soon post all the details from our fundriaser!! Please keep checking back!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fun Guaranteed!!

That's right!! I personally guarantee if you come to Noah's fundraiser this Friday night, you will have fun!! If at the end of the night you can't say you had a least a little bit of fun, I'll give you your $10 back!! Now I know I will not be refunding anyone so I'm not concerned at all!!

We are going to have a ball! Do you know the chicken dance?? How about the hokey pokey? The electric slide? The cupid shuffle? (even I don't know that one!) Can you shag?? I can't but I'm willing to get out there and make a fool of myself just because I can!! So warm up those dancing shoes and we will see you Friday night!!

Many people have asked about the details of the fundraiser and how we are going to be raising money so here are the details!!

The cost at the door is $10 per person 12 and under free (this gets you in and gets your food {unless we run out!!}. It also gets each paying person one raffle ticket for a door prize)

You may purchase other tickets for the door prizes for $1 a piece.

We also will have a 50/50 raffle! Tickets for this will also be $1 each. The more tickets we sell, the bigger the jack pot will be!! If we sell $500 in tickets, the ticket drawn will receive $250 and then the other $250 goes towards the fundraiser!!

The food we are having is a variety of finger foods and snack type items! We will have everything from Chicken strips to goldfish!! There will be something for everyone! The food will be available until it runs out!! Once it's gone, it's gone! I've planned and over planned to hopefully not run out but understand that even I don't know how many people will be there so once it's gone, all I can say is sorry!! But what a blessing to have so many people that we don't have enough food!!

Many people have told me this week as I've stressed about having enough food to just do as Jesus did and look to the Heaven's and ask God to provide! I know God will provide as He has done so already (and here comes that 'but' my pastor always talks about!) BUT I'm still freaking out about it!!

Ok, we will see you Friday night at the Spartanburg Shrine Club on Fernwood Glendale!! Doors open at 5:30 band starts around 6 PM!

Get those shoes ready!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New totals, not so new!

I requested our new totals earlier this week and as I expected, they have not changed. We still have a totals of $6,698.16. But on the positive side, I have already mailed another $100 donation in and have had lots of promises of others being mailed. I have made a special request to get our totals early next time. Usually we can get totals 2 times a month, the 1st and the 15th. Since our next fundraiser is the 13th, I asked if I could get the most up to date totals on the 12th so I could know just how much more we needed for our fundraiser! Now remember, if we go over our fundraising goal, it goes to the next family in line! So even though we may raise more than we need, we get to help others too! On that note, there is another family in the upstate that has just been approved and beginning their fundraising efforts! You will probably here more about Zac soon! There is also another family here that has already completed their fundraising! I'm so glad that 4 Paws for Ability will soon be a common name to this area! There are many great organizations out there that help to place service dogs, even some in our area. But these organizations have such long waiting lists! I hope that all these places will 'catch on' to the 4 Paws way and minimize their lists! 4 Paws allows the families to do the fundraising needed to help with the vet costs, training, and care for the dogs! I must say, it's much more fun this way, for me anyway! And more gratifying too! To know that even though I didn't and couldn't pay the whole $11,000 myself, that I have worked as hard as I can (with the help of many others too) to provide this opportunity for Noah! Much more satisfying too!

I appreciate everyone who is helping to spread the word of Noah's fundraiser, his need for his dog, and helping to collect donations. We can still use a few more food donations! I've had some people who have said, I can't cook something or buy anything but here's $20, go buy what you need for the fundraiser! This too has been a great help! This gives me the extra I may need at the last minute! And what ever I don't need, goes right to 4 Paws as a donation! So please, however the Lord leads you to give and to help, please do!

Have a blessed rest of the week!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Click the image to view larger.