Friday, April 23, 2010


Can you believe it? It's been 6 months since we brought Jelly Bean home!! And oh my goodness how things have changed! Noah is a different child! Just a few examples of how our lives have changed!

Noah now...
  • goes to bed on his own now!
  • sleeps in his bed all night!
  • gets upset much less! When he does get upset, it's short lived!
  • doesn't bit his nails anymore! I can actually cut his fingernails again!
  • doesn't have the impulse to squeeze your ears off anymore!
  • is more independent!
  • plays more independently!
  • is more imaginative in his play!
  • is more social, especially at church!
  • And one of the most amazing things we've seen , one thing I never expected having a dog could change, Noah will eat a donut! That sounds so crazy, I know! But not only will he eat a donut...he eats it with his fingers!!! Before Jelly Bean, the only way Noah would even consider eating a donut was if you either cut it up and he used a fork or if you held it for him! That is a huge thing for him!! I never in a million years would have thought having a dog would help my child eat a donut!!

All these things don't sound like anything you would have ever thought a service dog could help! I never dreamed that Jelly Bean would rid Noah of some bad habits! The truth is, the reason those habits have disappeared is because Jelly Bean is keeping Noah comfortable! He's not suffering from anxiety anymore! Noah has become so much more secure in himself and his surroundings all because of a dog! Sensory issues are resolving, impulses are diminishing, fears are gone! All through our fundraising I kept telling people this dog will help Noah remain calm, minimize his meldowns, disrupt his behavior, keep him safe in public. But this dog, Jelly Bean, has done so much more! He's given Noah such freedom! Not freedom to walk across a parking lot not holding mommy's hand...a freedom to be who he is! Who he is on the inside! Behind all the fear, anxiety, and impulses. To be Noah! Getting a dog, gave me my child! And it gave my child a chance to live his life to the fullest! I never realized how much of Noah was hidden in fear! Thank you God for giving me this child to care for, to love! But thank you God for allowing him to love life freely!

I can't believe how wonderful this adventure has been! And it's only just begun! Our lives have changed so much! I thank everyone that helped make this dream come true for our family! We are so very blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Heather, that is so wonderful. We are the parents of Nick, who has 4Paws dog Red as his friend and companion. He has made some great steps at school with Red. I am jealous, however, that Noah will snuggle with Jelly Bean and fall asleep. Nick (13) will not even take naps!
